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International Management Company
Tinowa Group & Partners
"No matter how good your strategy is, sometimes you need to resort to the help of professionals. The value of project management is not the implementation of the adopted strategy - but the result of the project!" Winston Churchill


ProjectsConnect to a world of project fulfillment and funding with Tinowa Group

 Strategy implementation and project management

             Tinowa Group and its partners in the industrialists’ union ASMP CR, (http://amsp.cz/) will develop a business project with innovative segments, create for you a new product / service / process and those solutions for its implementation that create the success and profitability of your organization .

The company’s specialists and technical partners constantly monitor the development and improvement of various technological segments and processes. This allows us introducing more advanced methods with every new project and get more competitive products / services for the domestic market, and above all for export.

          Czechia is a stable state with a developed economy and good purchasing power of the population. More than 30.0 million tourists visit the Czech Republic every year. The world-famous resorts of Western Bohemia (Karlovy Vary, Marianski Lazne, Jachymov, Frantiskovy Lazne, Kinzhvart) are visited by patients for treatment from the USA, Russia, Israel, Kazakhstan, the Middle East and many other countries. Tinowa Group develops investment projects for investors in Western Bohemia, which are beneficial for investing funds and long-term receipt of dividends. More information regarding some of the projects you can find on the pages of our website.

           The company operates efficiently in the Czech Republic, Russia and the countries of the Eurasian Union, as well as in the other countries where it has administrative contacts and its partners at the state level. In these countries, it manages projects for its customers and interacts with their local bodies to implement them.

          Tinowa Group and its partners in the Industrialists’ Union will develop your projects in the most cost-effective way, according to innovative segments and processes; they will assist in financing, train the staff, launch the projects and give it for your operation.

         We invite investment structures, banks, venture and investment funds, companies implementing the projects in the Czech Republic and other countries for cooperation.   

 For more information, please contact us at
top@tinowa.com   or project@bioactivwater.com
or call Tel: + 420 777 5555 01.

         In this section specifies the most efficient projects prepared by Tinowa Group for investment and implementation.

           If you are interested in participation in the implementation of Tinowa Group’s projects, we invite you to enter into a dialogue.

We are always glad to answer your questions.
© Tinowa Group & Partners

Actualization: 01.06.2019.

City Ecology

Solid and liquid waste recycling

Bioactive drinking water

Sources - Production - Export