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International Management Company
Tinowa Group & Partners
"No matter how good your strategy is, sometimes you need to resort to the help of professionals. The value of project management is not the implementation of the adopted strategy - but the result of the project!" Winston Churchill

Legal services

Your legal representative in the countries of the Euro-Asian Union – EEU.

Legal servicesTinowa Group s.r.o. renders the international legal and information services to its Czech and European clients and partners.

The international legal and information services are rendered to the clients and partners in the following countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan.

We render the professional legal services to the legal entities basing upon the vast legal practice and providing the complete confidentiality to the contract relationships with our client.

Our legal services provide the development of business in the countries, protect the interests of our clients, protect their business and projects in these countries, contribute its efficient development.

  • The legal information of the country for the business and projects.
  • Selection of partners in the country and legal information about them for establishment of business connections.
  • The legal consultations to enter the markets of the mentioned countries.
  • Legal expertise and the complete information on business contracts for our clients about their partners.
  • Organization of business contacts and trade negotiations.
  • Support of business projects in different countries.
  • Legal information of taxes, banks, state authorities, customs bodies, etc. in the country of the planned business or trade.
  • Interaction with legal structures and security systems in the country to support the activity of the client.
  • The legal consultations for conclusion of deals or implementation of projects.
  • Organization of participation in exhibitions, business conferences and seminars in the mentioned countries to provide the development of the business of the client.
  • Resolution of conflicts with business partners, legal defence, if necessary, interaction with government agencies.
  • Legal support during conclusion of the commercial contracts, including preparation, negotiations on complicated commercial contracts, including delivery contracts, leasing contracts, franchising contracts, ets.

Prices for legal services.

  • The cost of rendered legal services depends mainly upon the agreement between the client and out legal firm.
  • The company provides the consulting legal services, hour rate: €40,00 per hour including VAT.

In case of regular legal services or bigger required volume of service the company provides the special prices to its clients accorfing to mutual agreement. It depends upon the volume and terms of service rendering.

Our specialists protect our clients and the development of their business for more than 40 years.

We are always glad to render you the legal and information services for the development of your business in the specified countries.

We are pleased to be able to provide legal and information services for the development
of your business in the designated countries.

Legal services

Contacts: lawyer@tinowa.com or
Tel: + 420 777 5555 01.

Tinowa Group
and the law firm Oberemko and Partners
(St. Petersburg, Russia)

Legal services

City Ecology

Solid and liquid waste recycling

Bioactive drinking water

Sources - Production - Export